Bastard!! Wiki
Judas Pain
Japanese Name:
Romanji Name:
User: Dark Schneider
First Appearance
Manga Debut:

The Judas Pain is an object of great power in the world of Bastard.


The Judas Pain is one of the most important relics of Heaven.

During the time of the crucifixion, the traitor Judas Iscariot shed tears of blood which crystalized into the fragments of the Judas Pain. The jewel itself is a tiny hole in space time said to contain the limitless power of a black hole. Its powers is great enough to Destroy the entire Milky Way.

However, using the Judas Pain inflicts terrible pain upon the user's soul, body, and feelings. A normal human attempting to use it would be instantly turned to salt due to the suffering it causes. Continued use of the Judas Pain will completely desotry the user's mind, body, and soul, to the point even the Demon Princes hesitated to use their power.[1]

When the gates of Hell were closed, they were sealed with an immense power. This power was the Judas Pain, and it was the only thing that could unlock the gates. However, this power was broken into several fragments. The first seven fragments were placed in the hearts of the Kings of Hell, while the remaining one was placed in the heart of the Adam of Darkness, Dark Schneider.


  1. Bastard!! v22. The Tale of the Immortal Laws XXIV